Hi, I'm currently enhancing the IRRlicht model viewer to be of use in the project:"The first king".
This tool is aimed to help level creation, and character animation work. I also plan to use the editor as an Cutscene editor, for creating animations to use as "cutscenes" during the game. Other planned work are to implement viewing model with Normal/Specular maps on them.
Current Screenshots: (Click on the thumbnail to see it bigger)
Current features:
Here are the current features:
- Multiples viewmodes: 4 Viewport, Single view: perspective, top, front, side views
- Animation tool for defining and playing animated mesh
- Lighting tools to add shadow volume on the mesh and remove it
- Support multiple meshes loading in a single scene
- selector window to select the mesh and modify them, place them.
- Have a selection tool to select the mesh to animate
- Can move the mesh directly with the mouse in 4 viewport mode
- Can also move, rotate, scale mesh with a numeric panel
- Edition can be done in all views including perspective.
- Configuration file can change the display mode (full screen, windowed, resolution can be set or desktop resolution can be choosen)
Some details:
- Panning the view in the orthogonal view take place with the left mouse button. Right mouse button in perspective view, rotation is done with left mouse button for perspective view.
- Zooming is done with the mouse wheel. (all views)
Perspective mode:
In move mode, right mouse button does move in Y axis. Left mouse move in X,Z.
In scale mode, the mousewheel scale the model
In rotate mode, the right mouse button rotate the Z axis. Left mouse move the X,Z
This is the level editor to create the levels for the game. This application has just started it's developpement and minimal features have been added.